Sunday, May 20, 2012

David Dewhurst and the Depth of Dumb, why I voted for Ted Cruz

I made a departure when choosing Ted Cruz to be the US Senator from Texas in that I voted more against another candidate, than I did for Ted.  Ted Cruz is a conservative and he is smart.  I think he will make a good senator, but the larger reason I chose him is because I believe he has the best chance of knocking David Dewhurst out of the race.  I don't trust Dewhurst, I believe he is reckless and ignorant of history. Here's why.

In 2010, David Dewhurst called for a constitutional convention that would suspend the amendment process and rewrite the Constitution to include a provision for a balanced-budget.  Balancing the budget is a laudable goal, but does he realize what happened the last time a constitutional convention was successfully called?

In 1787, the 13 states convened a constitutional convention.  When it was over the Constitution had been completely rewritten, for the better it turned out.  But do you think this would happen today?  Do you think that a constitutional convention would keep our Constitution intact and only make improvements that we want?  Once a convention is called, there is no way to control the agenda or excluding anyone.  And those of us who have observed the way the Left has operated politically in the last 50 years are completely terrorized by this prospect of them getting their hands on the Constitution.

But not David Dewhurst. He continued to push for a constitutional convention, even after being apprised of the historical consequences of such a move.  He disregarded the voices that were telling him that this was a wrong thing to do.  He argued for a constitutional convention, and argued that he could control it, long past the time that a less determined person would've given up.

Calling for a constitutional convention because the amendment process is too slow and too difficult, can be likened to stepping out on a concrete driveway with your baby in one hand and the pair of diapers in the other, then throwing the baby and the diapers up in the air, and the expecting them to come back down fully assembled, with the new diapers wrapped around the baby's freshly powdered and wiped little butt.  Think something like this is going to happen?  David Dewhurst would.

He would throw that baby up in the air, throw those diapers up in the air then expect the baby to NOT splash like a watermelon on the concrete driveway, the fresh diaper to NOT be snagged by a passing hawk and he would also expect the dirty diaper, the one full of poo, to NOT come down and hit him right in the face.

David Dewhurst is a man of historical ignorance and recklessness.  He shouldn't be allowed to serve in the United States Senate.

Vote For Ted Cruz

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