Tuesday, January 29, 2013

What Happens when Guns are Banned/Unbanned

In an article published by the Wall Street Journal, former Washington D.C. prosecutor, Jeffrey Scott Shapiro writes about the effect a gun ban had on that city. Read the whole thing here.   Besides the descriptions of the lengths to which the D.C. police went to keep guns out of the hands of law abiding citizens, creating many injustices and human rights abuses along the way, the article also tells of the effect the gun ban had when it was implemented and when it was, partially, lifted. The two paragraphs that illustrate this are reproduced below.



It is my view that the proposed Federal legislation concerning guns is nothing more than a veiled attempt to disarm the American people. It does nothing new to address the actual problem. It is only a rehash of past legislation. The Leftist politicians who consider us to be children and want to take away our rights and liberties "for our own good" could accomplish that task so much more easily if we were defenseless.

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