Wednesday, February 20, 2013

PENTAGON IS TO FURLOUGH 800,000 CIVILIANS, is this a bad thing?

PENTAGON IS TO FURLOUGH 800,000 CIVILIANS If you just read the headline you'd think that 800,000 civilians were going to be laid off, wouldn't you.  But if you read into the article you come to this confusing sentence. 

As I understand it, this means that 800,000 employees, each of which could face up to 22 days of furlough spread out from now until next September, with 30 days notice beforehand.  I base my interpretation on the above sentence from the article. (see screenshot)

I'm not sure that my interpretation is correct but if it's not is because the "THE HILL" report is not very precise.  Either they're trying to be deliberately confusing, or they need a smarter reporter and better editors.

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