Wednesday, February 20, 2013


Data from the Tarrant County elections office shows that approximately 20,000 more voters voted in the 2010 Republican primary than in the 2012 primary.  The 2010 elections were a banner year for conservatives all over the country and in Tarrant County.  I am going to assume that all, or nearly all of the 20,000 people who are missing from the 2012 Republican primary are conservatives who decided to make the effort to make a difference in 2010.  And I'm going to assume that the reason they did not vote in the 2012 primary is because: they accomplished what they wanted to do, or they have become disaffected with politics because they didn't get what they wanted.  This message is for them.

To the folks who got what you wanted.  If you think you can come in, work real hard, fix things, then leave because the job is done; you've got another think coming.  In politics the job is never done.  Victory and defeat only last until the next election.  You need to remain in politics and consolidate your gains for the next election.

To the folks who didn't get what you wanted.  Please don't go.  It is very important that people like you, conservatives, stay in the game.  Don't give up on politics.  It has become one of the factors that most determine the quality of life for the citizens in the United States.  If you have become disaffected because of the sometimes blatant disregard for the rules, and the seeming overwhelming power of the other factions, just remember, they would not have had to resort to such tactics if you, and people like you hadn't been nipping at their heels.  This means you have power, build on it and change the Party from the inside.  Never give up.

To all of you conservatives who were missing from the 2012 Republican primary, I know it's a chore, and a huge bore, especially for true conservatives who only want to be left alone, but you need to remain plugged in to politics to protect yourself and your way of life.  Pay close attention to local politics, City and County.  It is in local politics that political culture movements, which are the most enduring of change, are born and carried forward.  Talk to your neighbors, talk to your friends, talk to your relatives.  Profess your conservative ideals, and live your conservative way of life in such a way that people will admire it and want to emulate it.  There are numerous political clubs in Tarrant County.  Search them out, attend some meetings, get acquainted with other conservatives, join in and volunteer to help.

We've allowed a lot of liberties slip away, in this country, simply because we didn't pay attention.  It's time for that to stop. And we may disagree about the settings, speed, gear, temperature, etc., on the political bus but one thing that we all agree on is that it remain on the right-hand side of the road and keep traveling towards Libertyville.

Hat tip to Glenn Bucy for his Facebook post that provoked this train of thought.

Note: This is my take on this subject.  If anyone would like to point out mistakes in logic, reason, or facts, please do so. I believe that the beginning of wisdom starts with the acknowledgement of one's own ignorance. Joel Downs 

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